Health benefits of red grape is very important to know since it could prevent some serious diseases. Since red grape contains many potential components and bioactive subtance, it can improve your health by deliver some of great benefits. Here are the best benefits that you can get by consuming red grapes
1. Prevent heart disease
In the study conducted by Klinge et al. (2008) reported that consuming grape including red grape that contains resveratrol may activate the shield that protect against coronary heart diseases and is improving the function of endothelium of blood vessels. This may aids in maintaining healthy heart.
2. Reduce cholesterol
Red grape contains dietary fiber which can bind cholesterol and get rid it from the body. The antioxidant in green grape also play important role in increase the level of good cholesterol that can decrease the number of bad cholesterol.
3. Prevent atherosclerosis
By reducing the level of bad cholesterol in blood, red grape can significantly reduce the accumulation of cholesterol inside the blood vessel and prevent atherosclerosis. As we know that atherosclerosis is one of the main cause of coronary disease. Consuming green grape daily can build healthy blood vessel and keep you away from heart disease.
4. Prevent cancer
Red grapes contains strong antioxidant substance that can slighly prevent cancer. Cancer is genetic disease where the cells growth out of control. Still there is no exact cure for cancer and this is why preventing is better that curing. The anticancer effect of red grape products is considered due to their unique mixture of polyphenolic compounds with various biological activities’ Flavonoids are the main group of active anticancer constituents in most of grape products including green grapes.
Researchers found that grape skin extract can possesses chemotherapeutic efficacy against breast cancer. Recently, a study show that red grape and extracts of raisins have curing effect on human colon cancer cell. It is found that resveratrol and other flavonoids in red grape significantly reduced cancer cell viability and induced apoptosis
5. Strengthen immune system
Red grape contains vitamin C and other potential antioxidant that can improve immunity. The resveratrol in red grape can strengthen the white cell function and other mechanism in fighting infection or disease.
6. Prevent cold
High vitamin C and other antioxidant in red grapes may bring anti-viral effect which can prevent the body from several virus infection such as influenza that can causing cold.
7. Maintain healthy nerve
Resveratrol as a potential phytoceutical in neurological diseases. It has protective effect to almost all nerveos system especially brain. Antioxidant in green grapes also can treat such disorders include toxins, chemicals and certain medical conditions such as alcoholism or stroke that affecting nerve function.
8. Promotes brain function
Antioxidant in green grapes has potential effect in keeping brain cell function. Free radicals damage can lead to oxidative stress and lead to brain cell damage. Consuming green grapes regularly everyday can help in maintaining healthy brain function.
9. Prevent Alzheimer
Alzheimer disease or AD is the most common form of dementia, which is associated with senile plaques caused by aggregation of amyloid peptide (AP) in the brain. Alzheimer can promotes memory lost and it used to be happen in elderly. A clinical study demonstrated that 12 weeks supplementation with green grapes juice in the diet may have neurocognitive benefits in older adults with early memory decline and it significantly can decrease the risk of alzheimer disease
10. Prevent parkinson disease
Parkinson Disease is another neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by a selective death of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra. This disease leads to musle inability, paralyze and lost ability to speak. S study by Jin et al reported that resveratrol in green grapes can reduce the level of dopamine that can trigger parkinson disease.
11. Reduce the risk of Huttington disease
Huttington disease is also a type of brain disorder that caused by free radicals and some toxin effect to some particular brain area. Green greapes contains resveratrol and other bioactive substance that can protect the brain from such free radical damage.
12. Maintain healthy skin
If you want to have healthy skin, consuming fruit including green greapes will really help you. The vitamin C in green grapes can nourish the skin and fight free radicals effect in skin surface that can lead to dullness and damaged skin. Vitamin C in green grapes also promotes collagen production that can make your skin keep firm and young.
13. Promotes hair growth
By promoting better circulation system, resveratrol promotes the hair root to absorb more nutrients and it can be helpful to maintain healthy and shiny hair. Some hair care product have also used green grapes extract as ingredients to make shampoo and other hair treatement product.
14. Brighthen skin
Vitamin C is a great and powerful antioxidant that can be use to treat skin and brigthen it. The extract of vitis vinifera or green grapes seed can improves skin tone and lighten the skin. It is also known that grape has become a popular ingredients in some skin supplement product.
15. Prevent diabetes
Green grapes contains dietary fiber and natural sugar that can help to control blood sugar level. The fiber can reduce the absorption of sugar to the body and incvrease insulin function that may reduce the risk of developing diabetes especially type 2.
16. Help in weight loss
Wanna have some snack but don’t wanna add more weight? Green grape can be a solution for healthy snack. It contains many nutrients but low in fat, cholesterol, calories and sodium that can be a perfect snack for people who are in diet program.
17. Relieve stress
A bunch of grape can help to relieve stress since it high in antioxidant, magnesium and vitamin that can affect to the nerve and calming it. Just simply consume it raw or make a grape juice to gain this benefits anytime you want.
18. Fight inflammation
Vitamin C and resveratrol are perfect combination in figthing inflammtaion which occur in the body. Both of those substances is contained in green grapes and they significantly stay you away from disease.
19. Protect liver
Environmental factors such as pollutants, alcohol, viral infections, and aflatoxins, can promote development of liver disease. Green grape polyphenols including resveratrol and other antioxidant have the ability to protect liver because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
20. Promote healthy digestion
Green grapes benefits could be best for promote healthy digestion. Fiber in green grape can improve healthy digestion and it also promotes the good bacteria growth inside the gut which can ease the defecation process inside the colon or large intestine.
21. Relieve constipation
Dietary fiber in green grapes not only improve healthy digestion but also can relieve constipation. Constipation is a common problem in defecation process and usually people who consume lack fiber will suffer from this disease. Dietary fiber in grapes can add bulk to stool and it ease the bowel movement pass through the large intestine and relieve constipation.
22. Prevent Anemia
Green grapes contains some amount of iron that can prevent the body from developing the symptom of anemia. Anemia is a disorder that decrease red blood cell number due to lack of iron in the body. Iron is crucial mineral which used to form new red blood cells.
23. Maintain healthy vision
Vitamin A is important to keep healthy eyes and vision. Green grapes contains some amount of Vitamin A that can protect eyes from any health problem.
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